

範海甯,男,漢族,中共黨員,現為中國礦業大學伟德bv副教授、碩士生導師。博士畢業于武漢大學,20219-20221月為南開大學數學與科學學院訪問學者。入選中國礦業大學優秀青年骨幹教師,美國數學(Mathematical Reviews)評論員。主要從事偏微分方程、非線性分析領域的相關研究。目前以第一作者發表科研論文30餘篇,論文發表在包括Trans. London Math. Soc.Journal of Mathematical PhysicsZ. Angew. Math. PhysTopological Methods in Nonlinear analysisNonlinear AnalysisProceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society等國際學術期刊以及Acta Mathematica SinicaActa Mathematica Scientia,《中國科學:數學》等國内學術期刊上。


承擔本科生《高等數學A》,《高等數學B》,《高等數學C》,《基礎數學實踐12345》,《數學分析選講》,碩士生《矩陣論》等課程的教學工作。主持校級教改項目1項, 項目名稱:基于翻轉課堂模式的《基礎數學實踐》教學的改革與探索(No.2019YB31,項目時間:2019.07-2021.07)。參與校級教改項目3項,第一作者或者通訊作者在省級以上刊物上發表教學法論文3篇。



1. Haining Fan, Yongbin Wang, Lin Zhao*, On a class of Kirchhoff type logarithmic Schr\"{o}dinger equations involving the critical or supercritical Sobolev exponent, J. Math. Phys. (2024). Accepted. (2022級碩士研究生)

2. Haining Fan, Binlin. Zhang*, Xiaoxue. Zhu, Multiple positive solutions for a singular Kirchhoff-type problem with convex nonlinearity on unbounded domain, Differential and Integral Equations. 37(2024)59-78. (2022級碩士研究生)

3. 範海甯劉穎張彬林*, 一類具有臨界指數的對數Schr\"{o}dinger方程基态解的存在性和集中性中國科學:數學, 52(2022)1-30. (2019級本科生)


1. 主持國家自然科學基金項目:幾類Kirchhoff型對數Schrödinger方程位勢函數與解關系的研究(No.12101599, 2022-2024年)。

2. 主持并完成國家博士後科學基金面上項目: 兩類Kirchhoff型對數Schrodinger方程正解的研究(No. 2021M703506, 2022-2023年)。

3. 主持并完成中國礦業大學校科技基金項目: Morse 理論在橢圓方程中的應用(No. 2018QNA35, 2018-2020年)。

4. 主持并完成江蘇省自然科學基金項目:Nehari流形方法在奇異流形上退化型橢圓方程中的應用(No. BK20150168, 2015-2018年)。

5. 主持并完成中國礦業大學校科技基金項目:Nehari 流形在二階橢圓方程中的應用(No. 2015QNA45, 2015-2017年)。


1. H. Fan, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, On a class of Kirchhoff type logarithmic Schr\"{o}dinger equations involving the critical or supercritical Sobolev exponent, J. Math. Phys. (2024). Accepted.

2. H. Fan, X. Liu, Competing potentials effect on positive solutions to a Schr\"{o}dinger-Poisson system, Acta Mathematica Sinica. (2024). Accepted.

3. H. Fan, B. Zhang*, X. Zhu, Multiple positive solutions for a singular Kirchhoff-type problem with convex nonlinearity on unbounded domain, Differential and Integral Equations. 37(2024)59-78.

4. H. Fan, B. Zhang*, Fractional Schr\"{o}dinger equations with logarithmic and critical nonlinearities, Acta Mathematica Sinica. 39(2)(2023)285-325.

5. 範海甯劉穎張彬林*, 一類具有臨界指數的對數Schr\"{o}dinger方程基态解的存在性和集中性中國科學:數學, 52(2022)1-30.

6. H. Fan, Z. Feng* and X. Yan, Positive solutions for the fractional Schr\"{o}dinger-Poisson systems involving critical nonlinearities with potential, Differential and Integral Equations. 35(2022)1-56.

7. H. Fan, X. Liu, On the multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions to a Kirchhoff type problem with competing potential, J. Math. Phys. 63(2022)011512.

8. H. Fan, Z. Feng* and Xan, Positive solutions for the fractional Schr\"{o}dinger equations with logarithmic and critical non-linearities, Trans. London Math. Soc. (2021) 8(1) 206–242.

9. C. Lei, T. Zheng, H. Fan(通訊作者), Positive solutions for a critical elliptic problem involving singular Nonlinearity, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 498 (2021) 124969.

10. H. Fan, Positive solutions for a Kirchhoff-type problem involving multiple competitive potentials and critical Sobolev exponent, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 198(2020)111869.

11. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for the fractional Schrodinger-Poisson systems involving singular termsMediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 17(3)(2020)1-28.

12. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for Schrodinger-Poisson systems involving concave-convex nonlinearities, Electronic Journal of differential equations. 86(2019)1-19.

13. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for degenerate elliptic equations with singularity and critical cone Sobolev exponents, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. 86(2019)689-709.

14. H. Fan, Existence of ground state solutions for Kirchhoff-type problems involving critical Sobolev exponents, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 41(2018)371-385.

15. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for fractional elliptic systems involving sign-changing weight, Topological Methods in Nonlinear analysis. 49(2)(2017)757-781.

16. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for a fractional elliptic system with critical nonlinearities, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 67(1)(2016)1-27.

17. H. Fan, Existence and concentration ofground state solutions for a Kirchhoff type problem, Electronic Journal of differential equations. 5(2016)1-18.

18. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for a class of Kirchhoff type problems involving critical Sobolev exponents, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.  431 (2015) 150-168.

19. H. Fan, X. Liu, Multiple positive solutions of degenerate nonlocal problems on unbounded domain, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 38(7) (2015) 1282-1291.

20. H. Fan, X. Liu, Multiple positive solutions for semi-linear elliptic systems involving sign-changing weight, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 38(7) (2015) 1342-1351.

21. H. Fan, X. Liu, Positive and negative solutions for a class of Kirchhoff type problems on unbounded domain, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 114 (2015) 186-196.

22. H. Fan, Existence theorems for a class of edge degenerate elliptic equations on singular manifolds, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 58(2)(2015)355-377.

23. H. Fan, Multiple solutions for a singular elliptic problem involving Hardy terms on unbounded domains, Differential And Integral Equations. 27(2014)821-836.

24. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for a critical elliptic system with concave and convex nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 18(2014)14–22.

25. H. Fan, X. Liu, Multiple positive solutions for a class of quasi-linear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponent, Acta Mathematica Scientia.34(2014)1111-1126.

26. H. Fan, X. Liu, Multiple positive solutions to a class of quasi-linear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponentMonatshefte für Mathematik. 174(2014)427-447.

27. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for a critical elliptic problem with concave and convex nonlinearitiesElectronic Journal of differential equations. 82(2014)1-14.

28. H. Fan, Multiple positive solutions for semi-linear elliptic systems with sign-changing weight, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 409(1)(2014)399-408.

29. H. Fan, X. Liu, Existence results for degenerate elliptic equations with critical cone Sobolev exponents, Acta Mathematica Scientia. 34(2014)1907-1921.

30. H. Fan, X. Liu, Multiple positive solutions for degenerate elliptic equations with critical cone Sobolev Exponents on singular manifolds, Electronic Journal of differential equations. 181(2013)1-22.


Email: fanhaining888@163.com   QQ:1055703993


