1978. 9--1982. 7南京大學數學系數學專業畢業;
1985. 9--1987. 1哈爾濱工業大學、中國礦業學院合辦高校助教研究生課程進修班;
主要從事數學分析、泛函分析、實變函數、複變函數、模糊數學、高等數學、線性代數、概率論與數理統計、算子理論等課程的教學,主持學校教改專項課題10餘項。如:(1)主持教務處教改項目:《概率論與數理統計》MOOCs課程視頻建設并投入使用,30萬元(2014-2016);研究生教育教學改革與研究課題“強基礎,重應用公共數學核心課程綜合建設”(6萬元,2015.6 - 2017.6);獲得全國煤炭行業教育教學成果一等獎(排名2/7 )(2015,12),作為教練指導參賽隊參加國際、全國大學生數學建模競賽并獲多個一、二等獎;獲得江蘇省優秀教學成果二等獎(2000,4/5),學校教學質量獎、成果獎多次,2次獲得學校百佳教師獎(2001,2016)。
1、應用泛函分析。特别是關于算子半群的理論與應用研究。其理論與應用範圍涉及近代偏微分方程、概率論、數值逼近、控制論等學科。近年來主要研究幾類算子半群的生成、表示、擾動與逼近、概率型表示、與微分方程的聯系等理論與應用課題,同時将泛函分析方法與近代概率理論、數值分析方法、微分方程等相互滲透,對Banach空間中演化算子族的弱指數不穩定性、指數或多項式三分性(Trichotomy)進行一些研究,在Journal of Functional Analysis、 Applied Mathematics and Computation、數學學報( English Edition)、Journal of Function Spaces and Applications、The Scientific World Journal等發表了50餘篇研究論文。主持或參與煤炭科技基金、煤炭青年基金、國家自然基金等項目、學校專項基金等近10項。
2、模糊數學相關理論與應用研究。主要在模糊測度與積分、Sugeno模糊積分或僞模糊積分的一些不等式的研究(如Hermite-Hadamard型、Berwald型、 Chebshev型等)、收斂定理和表現定理、模糊積分方程等理論方面和聚類、評價等方面的應用研究。在Fuzzy Sets and Systems、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems等雜志上發表30餘篇研究論文。
[1]Lie Symmetry Analysis and Conservation Laws of a Generalized Time Fractional Foam Drainage Equation,Commun. Theor. Phys.66(2016) 35–40,(SCI)
[2]An upper bound for the nullity of a bipartite graph in terms of its maximum degree,Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2016,Vol. 64, No. 6, 1107–1112
[3]Ya-Zhi Song,Xiao-qiu Song,Dong-qing Li,Tian Yue, Berwald type inequality for extremal universal integrals based on (α,m)– concave function, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol 9, No.1 (2015), 1–15, SCI
[4] Ya-zhi Song,Xiao-qiu Song,Bit-Shun Tam,A characterizationof a graph G with nullity|G|-2m(G)+2c(G),Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 465(2015),363-375,SCI
[5]Dong-qing Li, Xiao-qiu Song, TianYue,Hermite-Hadamard type inequality for Sugenointegrals,Applied Mathematics and Computation,237(2014),632-638,(SCI)
[6]Tian Yue,Xiao-qiuSong, Dong-qing Li, On Weak Exponential Expansiveness of Evolution Families in Banach Spaces[J].The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2013, Article ID 284630, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/284630(SCI)
[7]Li zhigang,Xiao-qiuSong, Xiu-li Yang On nonuniform polynomial trichotomy of linear discrete-time systems in Banach spaces,Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014, SCI
[8]Dong-qing Li,Xiao-qiuSong, Tian Yue, Yazhi,Song, Generalization of Liyapunov type inequality for pseudo-integrals,Applied Mathematics and Computation,241(2014), 64-69,(SCI)
[9]Xiao-qiu Song,Tian Yue, Dong-qing Li, Nonuniform Exponential Trichotomy for Linear Discrete-Time Systems in Banach Spaces[J].Journal of Function Spaces and Applications,vol. 2013, Article ID 645250, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/645250(SCI)
[10]Tian Yue,Xiao-qiuSong, Dong-qing Li,On weak exponential expansiveness of skew-evol-
ution semiflows in Banach spaces[J].Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2014, 2014(165):1
[11]Dong-qing Li,Xiao-qiuSong, Tian Yue, Yazhi,Song, Generalization of Liyapunov type inequality for pseudo-integrals,Applied Mathematics and Computation,241(2014), 64-69,(SCI)
[12] Xiao-qiu Song, Dong-qing Li,Yazhi Song, Tian Yue, Berwald type inequality for universal integral based on (a ,m)-concave functions, Journal of Mathematics and Inequalities,2014, SCI,
[13](T) fuzzy integral of multi-dimensional function with respect to multi-valued measure,Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems,9(2),2012,SCI
[14]The Reduction Square Root and Perturbation for a Classof Strongly Continuous Operator Families,Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series,2010.26(10),1993-2002,SCI
[15]Almost automorphic and weighted pseudo Almost automorphic solutions semilinear evolution equations.Journal of Functional Analysis,258(2010)196-207(二區)
[16]Weighted pseudo almost periodic mild solutions of semilinear evolution equations with nonlocal conditions,Applied Mathematics and Computation,215(5),2009, 1647-1652,SCI.
[17] Modeling correlation between origin-destination traffic demands in stochastic transportation networks , International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization,2009,IEEE Computer Society, 147-149 , EI;
[18] Fuzzy algebra in triangular norm system,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,93(1998)331-335.SCI
[19]Nonlinear singular boundary value problems in the study of plasma,Journal of mathematical analysis and applications,248(2000)184-194.SCI;
[20] Spectral mapping theorems for C-semigroup,J. of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 1999, 16(4):526-531.
[21] The Existence of Solution for a Class of Fuzzy Integral Equation,Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 5(2005) 74-77.
[22] The Asymptotic Behavior and Strong or Week Stability for C-semigroup, Journal of Nanjing University Mathematical Biquarterly, 22(2005) 107-114.
[23] Characteristic conditions and asymptotic behavior for C-semigroups,Advances in Systems Science and Applications,6 (2006) 510-514.
[24] C半群與積分半群的概率型逼近問題,南京大學學報數學半年刊,20:2(2003),216-225
[25] C半群的漸近概周期運動,系統科學與數學,29(2009),657-662
[26](T) Fuzzy Integral of Multi-dimensional Function. Proceedings of the 2010 Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2010), 1-5, 10-12 Aug. 2010 , Yantai, Shandong, China Sponsor: IEEE,Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA,EI
[32] Almost automorphic and pseudo almost automorphic Solutions of semilinear differential equations,應用泛函分析學報,11(4),2009,294-300
[33] a次積分餘弦函數的擾動定理,山東大學學報44(12),2009,67-70
[34] C半群的漸進概周期運動,應用泛函分析學報,11(3),2009,240-245
[36] C半群Lyapunov方程的自伴解與穩定性,南京大學學報數學半年刊,25(1),2008,86-93
[40] n次積分C半群和抽象抽象柯西問題的強解,純粹數學與應用數學,22(3),2006,365-371
[41]n次積分C半群的收斂性,中國礦業大學學報,35(3),2006, 423-426。
[42]算子半群的逼近及收斂速度的幾個估計式,中國礦業大學學報,35(2),2006, 279-282
[44] m次積分C半群和相應抽象Cauchy問題的強解,中國礦業大學學報,34(2),2005, 256-260EI檢索。
[45]雙連續C半群概率表示的漸近公式,中國礦業大學學報,42(5),2013, 893-898,EI檢索。
[46]巴拿赫空間上發展算子的非一緻多項式三分性,山東大學學報,48(12),2013, 80-85,
[49] Banach空間中演化算子族的弱指數不穩定性,山東大學學報,49(2),2014,46-50
[50] Cang Dingbang; Song Xiaoqiu; Chen Cang,Polynomially Bounded Cosine Functions,Analysis in Theory and Applications, 28(1), 2012, 13-18,1573-8175
[51]Jian-Min Tu,Shou-Fu Tian,Mei-Juan Xu,Xiao-Qiu Song,Tian-Tian Zhang,Bäcklund transformation, infinite conservation laws andperiodic wave solutions of a generalized (3+1)-dimensionalnonlinear wave in liquid with gas bubbles,Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s11071-015-2397-2,2015,SCI
[54]楊秀麗,宋曉秋,盧威,Sandor’s type inequality for fuzzy integral.南京大學學報數學半年刊。
Vol.32, No.2,2015, 144-156.
[55] Xiuli Yang,Xiaoqiu Song, Leilei Huang,Some General Inequalities for Choquet Integral.
Applied Mathematics, Vol.6 No.14 2015. 2292-2299
[56]盧威,宋曉秋,黃雷雷,基于模糊積分的Hermite和Sandaor類型的不等式,山東大學學報,Vol.51, No. 8, 2016,22-28
[57]Inequalities of Barnes-Godunova-Levin and Liapunov Type for Interval-valued measures Based on Pseudo-integrals,Journal of Nanjing University Mahematical Biquarterly,2016,Vol.64, No.1 , 4-–56
E-mail: songxiaoqiu@cumt.edu.cn