


 孫永征,博士,教授,博士生導師,科研副院長,江蘇省應用數學中心副主任,煤炭大數據研究院副院長,江蘇省工業與應用數學學會副理事長,江蘇省數學學會理事。2010年畢業于複旦大學數學科學學院獲理學博士學位。多次應邀到複旦大學數學科學學院、牛津大學數學研究所、劍橋大學牛頓數學研究所、利茲大學伟德bv、意大利國際理論物理中心、意大利帕多瓦大學訪問并作學術報告。主要從事生物數學、複雜網絡、多智能體網絡、人工智能及大數據等方面研究。以第一及通訊作者在Physical Review Letters, Research, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Physical Review ResearchPhysical Review EChaos, IEEE TAC, IEEE TSMCIEEE TNSE,Systems & Control Letters,中國科學等數學、物理、控制及非線性領域國際學術期刊發表SCI檢索論文70餘篇,出版專著1部,獲省級科技獎勵1項。主持國家自然科學基金重點國際合作研究項目課題、面上項目、青年基金、國際(地區)合作交流項目、數學天元青年基金、中國博士後基金特别資助與面上項目、科技部外國專家項目、江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目、中央高校基本科研業務經費重點項目及政府企業委托課題等10餘項。




[28]Yongzheng Sun, Siyang Leng, Ying-Cheng Lai, Celso Grebog,Wei Lin, Closed-loop control of complex networks: A trade-off between time andenergy,  Physical Review Letters, 2017,119 (19), 198301.

[27] Yongzheng Sun, Guanghui Wen, Haifeng Dai, Yu Feng, Sandro Azaele, Wei Lin, Fubao Zhou, Quantifying the resilience of coal energy supply in China towards carbon neutrality, Research, 2024,7, 0398.

[26]L. Zhao, H. Dai, C. Yang, J. Lu, Yongzheng Sun*. Tradeoff  between time and energy costs for controlling stochastic coupled neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024,69:1112-1118.

[25]M.Hong, H. Yang, Y. Qi, J.Wu, Yongzheng Sun*.Synchronization of Kuramoto-oscillator networks under event-triggered impulsive control with noise perturbation, Systems & Control Letters,2024, 192: 105884.

[24]S.Liu, R. Xiao, D. Zhao, Yongzheng Sun*.  Coordinating directional switches of multiagent systems with delayed and nonlinear interactions. Physical Review Research, 2023, 5(4): 043304.

[23]R. Xiao R, W. Li,  D. Zhao, Yongzheng Sun*. Directional switches in network-organized swarming systems with delay. Chaos, 2023, 33:043143.

[22]Yongzheng Sun, W. Li, L. Li, G. Wen,S. Azaele, W.Lin. Delay-induced directional switches and mean switching time in swarming systems. Physical Review Research, 2022, 4(3): 033054.

[21]N.Liang, M. Liu, Yongzheng Sun*, R.Xiao, L.Zhao. Time and Energy Costs for Synchronization of Kuramoto-Oscillator Networks With or Without Noise Perturbation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2022, 82(4): 1336-1355.

[20]J.Chang, H.Shi, S. Zhu, D.Zhao, Yongzheng Sun*. Time Cost for Consensus of Stochastic Multiagent Systems With Pinning Control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 53(1): 94-104.

[19]Dai H, Li W, Yang C, Yongzheng Sun*. Time and energy costs for consensus of multi-agent networks with undirected and directed topologies. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021.8 (4), 3380-3391

[18] D.Chen, Yongzheng Sun#, G.Shao, W. Yu,H. Zhang, W. Lin. Coordinating directional switches in pigeon flocks: the role of nonlinear interactions. Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8(9): 210649.

[17] D.Chen, Y.Wang, G.Wu, Yongzheng Sun*, W. Yu, Inferring causal relationship in coordinated flight of pigeon flocks. Chaos, 2019, 29(11): 113118.

[16]D.Chen, W.Li, X. Liu, W. Yu, Yongzheng Sun*. Effects of measurement noise on flocking dynamics of Cucker-Smale sytems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 201967(10):2064-2068

[15]Yongzheng Sun*, Wang Li, Hongjun Shi, Donghua Zhao, Sandro Azaele, Finite-time and  fixed-time consensus of multiagent networks with pinning control and noise perturbation, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics.2019, 79(1), 111–130.

[14]H. Dai, Yongzheng Sun*, W. Li, D. Zhao, Multiplicative measurement noise can facilitate consensus of multiagent networks,Physical Review E,2019 100, 022319.

[13]Yongzheng Sun, W. Li, D. Zhao, Realization of consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastically mixed interactions,Chaos ,2016,26, 073112 .

[12]Radek Erban, Jan Haskovec and Yongzheng Sun.A Cucker-Smale model with noise and delay . SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2016, 76, 4, 1535–1557.

[11]Yongzheng Sun*, W. Lin, A positive role of multiplicative noise on the emergence of flocking in a stochasticCucker-Smale system,Chaos, 2015, 25,083118.

[10]Yongzheng Sun*, Y. Wang, D. Zhao, Flocking of  multi-agent systems with multiplicative and independent measurement noises, Physica A, 2015, 81-89.

[9]Yongzheng Sun, Wei Lin and Radek Erban*, Time delay can facilitate coherence in self-driven interacting particle systems, Physical Review E,2014 90, 062708 .

[8]Yongzheng Sun*,Wang Li, Jiong Ruan, Generalized outer synchronization between complex dynamical networks with time delay and noise perturbation. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 2013, 18, 989–998.

[7]Yongzheng Sun*, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao, Outer synchronization between twocomplex dynamical networks with discontinuous coupling.Chaos, 2012, 22, 043125

[6]Yongzheng Sun*, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao, Convergence time and speed of multi-agent systems in noisy environments. Chaos, 2012, 22, 043126.

[5]YongzhengSun*, Donghua Zhao, Effects of noise on the outer synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled complex dynamical networks. Chaos, 2012, 22, 023131.

[4]Yongzheng Sun*, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao,Finite-time stochastic outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with different topologies. Chaos, 2012, 22, 023152 .

[3]Yongzheng Sun, Donghua Zhao, Jiong Ruan*, Consensus in noisy environments with switching topology and time-varying delay.Physica A, 2010, 389 , 4149-4161.

[2]Yongzheng Sun, Jiong Ruan*, Synchronization in coupled time-delayed systems with parameter mismatch and noise perturbation,Chaos, 2009, 19 , 043113.

[1]Yongzheng Sun, Jiong Ruan*, Consensus problems of multi-agent systems with noise perturbation,Chinese Physics B, 2008, 17: 4137-4141.









[12]全國煤炭教育教學成果獎二等獎 (2020.12


[13]中國礦業大學2019年度教職工考核優秀 (2020.01

[12]中國礦業大學2018年度教職工考核優秀 (2019.01

[11]中國礦業大學優秀共産黨員 (2018.08

[10] 中國礦業大學教書育人先進個人(2017.09











[21]Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology, 22 Oct-20Nov 2023, University of Cambridge, UK

[20]The 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and TheirApplications,
11-13 Dec 2018, University of Cambridge, UK

[19]Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, 27 Feb 2018, University of Leeds, UK  

[18]The 14th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Chongqing, Oct 2018China

[17]The 13th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Shenzhen, Nov 2017 China

[16]The 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and TheirApplications, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2017, University of Lyon 2 in Lyon, France

[15]The 12th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Taiyuan, Oct 2016 China

[14]Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications, 15 Jan-15-March 2016, Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom*

[13] Workshop on Multi-scale methods for stochastic dynamical system in biology, 29 February - 4 March, 2016 , University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

[12]The 11th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Beijing, Aug 2015 China

[11]100th European Study Group with Industry, 30 June-04 July 2014 ,University of Oxford, United Kingdom

[10] 102nd European Study Group with Industry, 26-29 July, 2014, University College Dublin, Ireland

[9]Workshop on Mathematical Models of Climate Variability, Environmental Change, andInfectious Diseases,29 April - 10 May 2013 ,ICTP, Trieste, Italy

[8]Spring School on Modelling Tools and Capacity Building in Climate and Public Health, 15 April – 26 April 2013 , ICTP, Trieste, Italy

[7]The 34th China Control Conference, Jul. 28-31, 2015, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

[6]The 8th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks Oct. 2012, Nanjing, China

[5]The 31st China Control Conference,Jun. 22-26, 2011 , China University of Science and Technology, Heifei, China

[4]The 30th China Control Conference, Shandong University ,Jun. 29-Jul.4, 2010

[3]The 4th Shanghai International Symposium On Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Fudan University and Xuzhou Normal University , 2010

[2]The 3rd Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Jan 2008  Shanghai, China,

[1]The 2nd Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Shanghai, Jan 2007 China

*Talk at Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: http://newton.cam.ac.uk/seminar/20160209150016001









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