報告題目:Extensions of two semi-discrete integrable systems and their relations to orthogonal polynomials
報告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce our works on extensions of two semi-discrete integrable systems and further discuss their relations to orthogonal polynomials. First, we extend the Schur flow to a nonisospectral case and find its a Lax pair expressed in terms of the orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Then, we extend the molecule solution of the hungry Lotka-Volterra lattice to nonzero boundaries and present its relation to a set of symmetric (M,1)-biorthogonal polynomials. Our results are obtained by Hirota’s bilinear method and determinant techniques.
報告人簡介:陳曉敏,2016年博士畢業于中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院,2016-2018年在德國馬克斯普朗克動力學與自組織研究所做博士後。現為北京工業大學數學統計學與力學學院副教授,碩士生導師。主要從事可積系統與正交多項式方面的交叉研究,學術成果發表在國際知名期刊 Adv. Math., Nonlinearity, Numerical Algorithms, Physica D,Studies in Applied Mathematics等上面,主持國家自然科學青年基金項目、北京市自然科學青年基金項目以及北京市教委科技一般項目各一項。