報告人:惠昌常教授 首都師範大學(Prof. Changchang Xi, CNU)
報告摘要:In the representation theory of algebras and groups, derived categories and equivalences are of great interest. For instance, Broue's abelian defect conjecture predicts a derived equivalence of block algebras of groups. In this talk, we mainly study derived equivalences of the centralizers of matrices. This class of algebras appears in many aspects of mathematics. For example, in geometry variety, Markov process, and invariant theory. We introduce new equivalence relations on square matrices in terms of elementary divisors, and then describe derived equivalences for principal centralizer matrix algebras. The talk reports a recent work jointly with X.G. Li, see arXiv:2312.08794.
惠昌常教授長期從事代數學及相關方面的研究工作,在代數表示論、同調代數,導出範疇等方面取得了一系列出色的研究成果。在Adv.Math,J.Rein Ang.Math, Math.Ann,Trans.AMS,Proc.LMS等國際權威數學刊物發表論文90多篇。主持和參加多項國家自然科學基金重點項目。目前擔任《Journal of Algebra》、《Archiv der Mathematik》等國際數學雜志編委。