報告題目: Wellposedness for the KdV hierarchy
騰訊會議:會議 ID:498-226-572
報告摘要:The KdV hierarchy is a hierarchy of integrable equations generalizing the KdV equation. Using the modified Muria transform, we first relate it to the Gardner hierarchy, and by exploiting the idea of approximate flow, we show that the whole hierarchy is wellposed for initial data in H−1 on the line. We also prove results in the periodic case. This is based on joint work with H.Koch and F. Klaus.
專家簡介:劉保平,2012年于加州伯克利大學獲博士學位,現為北京大學數學科學學院研究員。 劉保平博士的研究領域為非線性偏微分方程和調和分析,文章發表在 Amer. J. Math,IMRN,Advances in Maths, Comm. Math. Phys. J. Funct. Anal.等國際學術期刊。