Comparative results between Wiener index and the number of independent sets of graphs



報告題目:Comparative results between Wiener index and the number of independent sets of graphs

報告人:許克祥  南京航空航天大學教授,博士生導師


報告摘要:Recently the comparison between two structural invariants of graphs attracts the attention of some researchers. As a well-known topological index in chemical graph theory, the Wiener index of a graph is the sum of distances over all unordered pairs of vertices in it. And the number of independent vertex sets, including empty set, of a graph is a popular topic in pure and chemical graph theory. In this talk we present some comparative results between Wiener index and number of independent sets of graphs. Moreover, several relevant problems are proposed to this topic.  This work is joint with Menglu Wang, Jing Tian, Kinkar Ch. Das and Ivan Gutman.

專家簡介: 許克祥,南京航空航天大學伟德bv教授,博士生導師。主要研究方向是研究方向為圖論及其應用、組合最優化。已發表科研論文90餘篇,據不完全統計,被SCI他引1000餘次,單篇最高SCI他引100餘次。已主持完成國家自然科學(青年、面上)基金2項、省自然科學(面上)基金1項、中國博士後基金(面上、特别資助)2項、留學人員擇優資助項目1項、科技部國際合作項目1項。現任美國數學會《Mathematical Reviews》評論員、歐洲數學會《zbMATH Open》評論員,中國運籌學會圖論組合分會理事,國際期刊《Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics>>、《Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics》編委。
