1987.7, 華東師範大學數學系本科畢業,獲學士學位.
主講課程: 《線性代數》,《概率論與數理統計》.
主持國家自然科學基金面上項目:模李超代數和仿射擴張李代數的表示(no. 11471333, 2015,1-2018,12).
1.Simple modules for the restricted Lie algebras of Cartan type,Comm. Algebra.(2002)no. 11 5393-5429.
2.Some simple modules for the restricted Cartan-type Lie algebras(with R. Holmes), J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 173 (2002) no.2135-165.
3.Representations of the restricted Lie algebras of Cartan type,J.Algebra,290 (2005)no. 2408-432.
4.Simple modules for the restricted Cartan type Lie algebras(with R. Holmes), AlgebrasRepr.Theory,V.9June (2006)285-307.
5.On the Lo-module structure for the generalized Witt algebra and the special Lie algebra, J.Lie theory,(2007)no. 4709-729.
6.On the simple modules for the restricted Lie superalgebra sl(n|1),J.PureAppl. Algebra., V.213,I.5(2009)756-765.
7.Restricted representations of the Witt superalgebras (with Bin Shu),J.Algebra, V. 324, I. 4, (2010)652-672.
8.Representations of the restricted Cartan type Lie superalgebra W(m,n,1) (with Bin Shu),AlgebrasRepr. Theory, V. 14. June(2011) 463-481.
9.Representations of the restricted Lie color algebras,AlgebrasRepr.Theory, (2013)445-470 .
10.On the simplicity of induced modules for reductive Lie algebras, Bulletin of the Belgian Math. Soc. (2016)357-371.
11.On the simplicity of induced modules for reductive Lie algebras II,
J. PureAppl. Algebra. 223 (2019)no. 3 1193-1197.
12.On the quantum superalgebra U_q(gl(m|n)) and its representations at roots of 1, 2016,科學出版社。
聯系方式Email: cwzhang@cumt.edu.cn